Hinckley, Chapman and CIA Mind Control
(too old to reply)
2008-01-10 01:46:43 UTC
Hinckley, Chapman and CIA Mind Control

Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit

Regarding the article "Twilight of the Psychopaths" (Jan 7, 2008)

The question of mind control and John Lennon's murderer Mark David
Chapman, and John Hinckley, the would-be assassin of Ronald Reagan,
is apparently unfamiliar to some. All this happened in the 1980s,
after all. Only a few of us were online back then. Many were not even
born. It was pre-history, before what is known today as the Internet
was available to most.

One reader, for example, writes:

"I love how the article says so flatly that Mark David Chapman was a CIA
mind-control subject when even the wikipedia page on him, long as it
is, does not have a single mention of this even prefaced by 'some

First of all, we'd caution everyone not to regard Wikipedia as an
authoritative source of information about anything. Its content is
quite definitely not necessarily authoritative or trustworthy, and it
can be and has been messed with and altered by the entries' authors and
editors as well as by malicious disinformation artists. (Check our
archives for "wikipedia" in the search engine to find out more.)

A simple google search using the terms "Mark David Chapman" + "John
Hinckley" will bring up 4,680 references, somewhat overwhelming for
the beginner to this topic. Results are here: http://tinyurl.com/2hubdq

An simpler approach for the newcomer is to add "+World Vision" OR
"+Lebanon" to the search, although you'd have to know enough to start
with to add those terms. When you add "Lebanon," for example, back come
only 568 references. The results are here: http://tinyurl.com/yspwb2

Easiest of all is the following excerpt from ONE of the 568 references
above, an addendum written by NY Transfer to a conspiracist article
called "Lennon's Conviction: You can Change the World" (Dec 19, 2006):


Wikipedia certainly did have, if it no longer does, references to
the Mark David Chapman/World Vision/MK-ULTRA mind control program
connections. There are also sources listed below that explain
Hinckley's oil-man dad had connections with World Vision.

Below is only the addendum to the article above. Begin here, and make
up your own mind whether to do further research. Happy reading!

"Lennon's Conviction: You can Change the World" (Dec 19, 2006):

In terms of the mind-control / conspiracy question, note the interesting
similarities between the histories and delusions of two highly disturbed
assassins -- who seemed, superficially, to have little in common: Mark
David Chapman, who killed Lennon (with whom he was obsessed) and John
Hinckley, Jr., who was obsessed with the actress Jodie Foster and who
shot Ronald Reagan. Both exhibited similar characteristics of
brainwashing, and in fact the Lennon assassination looked for all the
world like a rehearsal when it occurred. A rehearsal for what was
suggested a few months later when Reagan was shot by someone who seemed
to be Chapman's psychological twin -- except that Hinckley's roots were
more evocative: hailing from Texas and ending up with his family in
Evergreen, Colorado, it turned out that Hinckley's oil man dad was a
good friend of the Bush family.

Both Hinckley and Chapman had undergone fundy Christian religious
conversions and were members of an outfit called World Vision, "an
evangelical order which often fronts for the CIA. They performed espionage
work for the CIA in Southeast Asia while Operation Phoenix.... In Honduras,
they maintained a presence at CIA contra recruiting camps in the war against
the Sandinistas.... their refugee camps hosted numerous members of the
anti-Castro terrorist group Alpha 66 of Bay of Pigs fame....

"One particularly important World Vision official was John Hinckley, Sr., an
oil man, reputed CIA officer, and friend of George Bush. You may have heard
of his son.

"Less than four months before Hinckley Jr. became known as Jodie Foster's
biggest fan, another member of the World Vision order, Mark Chapman, gunned
down John Lennon in what may have been a practice run for the bigger hit on
President Reagan.


More info on Hinckley and Chapman here:


TIME Magazine - "A matched pair of gunmen," Sep 7, 2081

The Crime Library has an article that claims Hinckley was in the
crowd of mourners outside the Dakota (where Lennona and Ono lived)

Other sources report that both Hinckley and Chapman spent time at
"missionary" camps in Lebanon, where World Vision had an operation.

NY Transfer
NY Transfer News Collective * A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
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2008-01-10 16:06:19 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Hinckley, Chapman and CIA Mind Control
4-5 years ago in this newsgroup we got posts from a Colonel (can't
remember his name) that was into CIA invisible mind control. Anybody
remember him?
Frank Arthur
2008-01-10 22:47:27 UTC
Post by Salad
Hash: SHA1
Hinckley, Chapman and CIA Mind Control
4-5 years ago in this newsgroup we got posts from a Colonel (can't
remember his name) that was into CIA invisible mind control.
Anybody remember him?
I could tell you but then I'd have to zap you with my mind control!
2008-01-11 08:27:29 UTC
Post by Frank Arthur
Post by Salad
Hash: SHA1
Hinckley, Chapman and CIA Mind Control
4-5 years ago in this newsgroup we got posts from a Colonel (can't
remember his name) that was into CIA invisible mind control.
Anybody remember him?
I could tell you but then I'd have to zap you with my mind control!
he's controlling my mind right now..eeEeeEeeeeEEE
