Dick Cheney is a walking heart attack
(too old to reply)
chitlins con carny
2004-10-19 18:27:19 UTC

If we had a *real* terrorist attack, that is, one that wasn't
set up and executed by the government itself, Dick Cheney
would have a heart attack and die.

We need a peacemaker in the White House, not a pacemaker.




HE IS one of the most powerful - and sinister - men in the world.

Dick Cheney's career has taken him to one of the highest offices in
the world, yet it has been marred by one disaster after another.

Today Dangerous Dick, 63, is Vice President. But for how much longer?

Republican spin doctors are trying to portray George W Bush as a
candidate of reconciliation and inclusion.

But the glowering, bullying presence of Cheney has become a major

This is a man so removed from the politics of forgiveness and
understanding that, as a congressman, he once voted against calling
for Nelson Mandela's release from prison.

His politics are those of selfish confrontation and hypocrisy.

"Cheney's manner and authority of voice far outstrip his true
abilities," says Chas Freeman, who served under Bush's father as
ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

"It was clear from the start that Bush Jnr required adult supervision,
but it turns out Cheney has even worse instincts.

"He does not understand that when you act recklessly, your mistakes
will come back and bite you on the ass."

Here the Daily Mirror takes a hard look at the hard man of American

1 HE is being investigated by federal prosecutors about the leak of
the identity of an undercover CIA officer, the wife of a vocal critic
of the US government in the build-up to the war in Iraq.

2 HE has twice been arrested for drink driving.

3 IN 1986 he opposed the release of Nelson Mandela (below) from jail
in South Africa.

4 HE backed tax breaks for energy corporations and fought efforts to
clean up hazardous waste.

5 HE made disastrous decisions as Defense Secretary under President
George Bush Snr. He turned military duties over to private companies
and put so-called intellectuals with no military experience into key
posts in the Pentagon.

6 CHENEY'S stint as boss of energy company Halliburton led it from
success to disaster in five years when he bought a subsidiary which
saddled the firm with a multi-million pound asbestos lawsuit.

7 AS boss of Halliburton he struck lucrative deals with Saddam Hussein
and Colonel Gaddafi.

8 DESPITE the fact that Cheney should have relinquished his links
because of a conflict of interest he still gets £100,000 a year from
Halliburton. And, surprise, surprise, the Bush-Cheney administration
awarded Halliburton £5.5billion in contracts for work in Iraq.

9 AS vice president, Cheney has been THE decisive force pushing
America into war.

10 HIS biggest failure as vice president was in 2002 when he visited
nine Arab and Muslim countries six months after 9/11. He anticipated
securing the countries' support to remove Saddam Hussein. But not one
provided troops for the war.

11 NO president has returned to power after appointing him to a post
in his administration.

Ronald Reagan was the only Republican president since Eisenhower who
managed to serve two full terms.

And he is the only one canny enough not to have appointed Cheney to

Under Richard Nixon he had a job in the executive branch, under Gerald
Ford he was Chief of Staff and under George Bush snr he was Secretary
of Defense. None were re-elected.

Jimmy Carter defeated Ford, who had Cheney as his chief of staff, by 2
million votes. Ford later said that listening to Cheney's advice was
"the biggest political mistake of my life".

12 HE managed to get five deferments from the Vietnam War.

One of the more ingenious ways of qualifying was getting his wife

It was announced that childless married men no longer would be exempt
from fighting for their country.

So, nine months and two days later the first of his two daughters was

Presidential candidate John Kerry famously served in Vietnam, yet
Cheney constantly questions his war record.

13 HE was one of just 21 members of Congress to oppose the Safe
Drinking Water Act

14 HIS electric bill for his 33-room Washington mansion is £120,000
this year alone. And he's trying to get the Navy to stump up for it,
saying it's on the grounds of the Naval Observatory.

15 HE opposed extending the Civil Rights Act. This was designed to
give black Americans the same rights as whites. Cheney also voted
against holding Martin Luther King Day annually.

16 HE told Senator Patrick Leahy to "go f*** yourself" during a heated
exchange on the Senate floor this year.

17 WHEN he was a student he dropped out of Yale University. He spent
his time partying rather studying. He arrogantly believed he could
bluff his way through.

18 HE voted to protect citizens' constitutional right - to own
armour-piercing bullets.

19 HE was one of only four Congressmen to vote against banning plastic
guns that are invisible to metal detectors.

20 HE used to smoke three packets of cigarettes a day. His favourite
meal is steak and he has had four heart attacks and a pacemaker
2004-10-19 18:31:29 UTC
Post by chitlins con carny
If we had a *real* terrorist attack, that is, one that wasn't
set up and executed by the government itself, Dick Cheney
would have a heart attack and die.
We need a peacemaker in the White House, not a pacemaker.
What a vile, self-serving, egotistical (wihtout ANY Evidence to support
his position) power mongering fellow this one is.
Terry Fields
2004-10-19 18:43:50 UTC
Post by Danzig
Post by chitlins con carny
If we had a *real* terrorist attack, that is, one that wasn't
set up and executed by the government itself, Dick Cheney
would have a heart attack and die.
We need a peacemaker in the White House, not a pacemaker.
What a vile, self-serving, egotistical (wihtout ANY Evidence to support
his position) power mongering fellow this one is.
You have summed up Richard Cheney to a tee. Nice work my friend

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